Posts in Document
Abolish Data Criminalization Curriculum Workbook

The Abolish Data Criminalization Curriculum Workbook is an educational tool for organizers committed to learning about and organizing against migrant surveillance and social control. The workbook contains five guided activities with accompanying resources. It operates as a facilitation guide that will engage participants in discussions, personal and collective reflections, study, and more.

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An Organizer’s Guide to Confronting Pretrial Risk Assessment Tools in Decarceration Campaigns

We are at a crossroads where campaigns to end money bail and pretrial incarceration must also contend with the broad and insidious introduction of risk assessment tools (RATs) as one of the “replacement” interventions the system wants to claim as “reform.” We created this guide for organizers contending with this tension -- how to engage with risk assessment tools in their work to end pretrial incarceration and mass supervision.

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Best Practices for Establishing a Legal Defense Fund

There is no one “right” way to set up a legal defense fund or rapid response bail fund, and these definitions can be fluid depending on the needs of your local community. Historically, legal activists have employed a variety of approaches when creating and operating these funds, often specific to political circumstances and differences in local legal systems. This document, developed by the National Bail Fund Network and the National Lawyers Guild, provides an overview of some of the best practices distilled from decades of legal defense fund experiences.

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DocumentDavid NalaBail Funds
Beyond Criminal Courts: Defund and Divest

Beyond Criminal Courts: Defund and Divest is a digital resource hub for organizers, advocates and community members working together to build the organizing-power we need to defund, divest, and ultimately to dismantle criminal courts for good. It is a collaborative project created by Community Justice Exchange and Interrupting Criminalization, with incredible web design and development by Research Action Design, illustrations by Noah Jodice, and Spanish translation by tilde Language Justice Collaborative.

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COVID-19 Response Guidance for Community Bail & Bond Funds

As community bail and bond funds, we are fighting to abolish detention in all of its forms and for all individuals. In times of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, we uplift our call to #FreeThemAll with more urgency than ever. There are local and state-specific responses to the current COVID-19 crisis, many with specific calls to release individuals in local jails, prisons, and ICE detention. We hope this is an additional resource for community bail and bond funds to support and amplify efforts to release as many people as possible.

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