Pathways to Deportations Parody Website

Pathways to Deportations is a parody based on ICE’s ATD website that exposes ICE's current tactic of infiltrating communities through non-profit organizations. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has massively expanded its so-called “Alternatives to Detention Program” (ATD). Despite its misleading name, ATD has never reduced the number of people in detention and has, in fact, functioned as a net-widening deportation management program. In response to strong organizing pushback under President Biden, ICE has attempted to reposition ATD as helpful and compassionate services provided to migrants, while upholding its declared objective of deportation compliance. Weaponizing this misleading language, ICE regularly seeks partnerships with well-meaning community-based nonprofits to help legitimate its objective. This website aims to show that ICE is a violent organization that we should never work with and cannot be trusted.