Freedom or Prison: Carlos and his Friends Fight for Dignity
Freedom or Prison: Carlos and his Friends Fight for Dignity
Between the years 2021 and 2024, the Biden administration has rapidly created and expanded initiatives that massively expand surveillance and control of immigrant communities who are not detained in physical cages. The Alternatives to Detention Program, also known as ISAP, is a major arm of these initiatives, but not the only one. Hundreds of thousands of people are controlled by this program and the Biden administration threatens to control millions more through the creation of programs like the Release and Reporting Management Program.
This zine was created by the people closest to the issue – directly impacted communities and grassroots community organizers. It adapts real life stories of struggle, isolation, politicization, and organizing efforts. It is a collaboration between African Bureau of Immigration and Social Affairs (ABISA), Community Justice Exchange (CJE), Juntos, La Resistencia, Organized Communities Against Deportation (OCAD), ÓRALE, and the Resist Surveillance Network (RSN).